Chancery Notice
World Mission Day 2021
On Sunday, 24th October, we celebrate World Mission Day with the theme: “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).
1. The Mass “For the Evangelization of the Peoples” (in the Roman Missal) may be used with its proper prayers. The readings are the ones from the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time or those for Mission Sunday.
2. At all parish Masses on that Sunday the second collection will be taken for the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith and will be sent to the Holy See via the Bishop’s Office as a contribution of our Local Church to the missionary activities of the Universal Church. The priests are to encourage the faithful to generously support the missions.
Given at the Chancery Office, 13th October 2021.
Fr. Cyril Jerome LAW, Jr.